In order to implement the goals of corporate governance and promote sustainable development, Avertronics established the "Sustainable Development Committee" on March 7, 2023, which is the decision-making and supervision unit of the company's sustainable development-related work, including environment (E), social ( S) and corporate governance (G) to protect the rights and interests of the company, employees, shareholders and all stakeholders. Authorized by the board of directors, it supervises, reviews, and formulates the company's overall sustainable development policies and plans, and conducts regular evaluations to serve as the highest guiding organization for the practice of all aspects of management.
Committee Responsibilities: Members of this Committee shall faithfully perform the following duties with the care of good managers, be accountable to the Board of Directors, and submit their suggestions to the Board of Directors for discussion
(1) Setup the company's sustainable development policy, annual plan and strategic direction, including review of sustainability reports.
(2) Review, track and revision the implementation and effectiveness of the company's sustainable development, and report to the board of directors on a regular basis.
(3) Focus on issues related to all stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees, governments, non-profit organizations, communities, and the media, and supervise communication plans.
(4) Other issues should be handled by the committee as directed by the board of directors' resolution
The members of the Sustainable Development Committee consists of three directors, including two independent directors. The term since 2023.3.7 to 2025.6.5. The second time meeting held in 2023.
Main Expertise
Attend record in 2023
Director (Chair of the Committee)
Austin Lai
Business Operation Management and Corporate Governance
Independent Directors
Business Operation Management and Corporate Governance
**Note: The mobile version can be read by sliding left and right.
◆Audit Committee
AVIN approved the establishment of an audit committee on June 10, 2019. The audit committee is composed of three independent directors. The audit committee holds regular meetings and invites accountants, audit supervisors and relevant supervisors to attend as necessary. The Audit Committee regularly assesses the company's internal control system, internal auditors and their audit results, regularly reviews each quarter's financial statements and other relevant legal requirements for discussions and exchanges, and discusses the selection of certified accountants and the audit and non-audit work accounting firm provide. Conduct independent review of audit matters.
The members of the Audit Committee consists of three independent directors. The term since 2022.6.6 to 2025.6.5. The fifth meeting held in 2023.
Main Expertise
Attend record in 2023
Director (Chair of the Committee)
Business Operation Management and Corporate Governance
**Note: The mobile version can be read by sliding left and right.
◆Remuneration Committee
In order to continue to strengthen corporate governance and align with international standards, the company established the "Salary and Remuneration Committee" on November 18, 2011. It is authorized by the board of directors to supervise, review, and formulate the company's overall remuneration policies and plans, and regularly evaluates and formulates directors' and managers’ salaries and remuneration. The Remuneration Committee has a total of 3 members, including 3 independent directors, all of whom have more than five years of work experience and relevant qualifications, which are sufficient to maintain the independence, professionalism and impartiality of the Remuneration Committee.
The members of the Remuneration Committee consists of three independent directors. The term since 2022.6.6 to 2025.6.5. The third time meeting held in 2023.
Main Expertise
Attend record in 2023
Director (Chair of the Committee)
Business Operation Management and Corporate Governance